Style chameleon and lover of fashion. Shameless skin and hair addict showcasing some of my favorite finds in SL.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

New Beginings and exciting things ahead

And that's what art is, a form in which people can reflect on who we are as human beings and come to some understanding of this journey we are on. ~ Wendell Pierce

Lets begin this journey through fashion in SL through my own eyes.

Never one to shy away from events this months Midnight Madness bought some fabulous things and *LX* (LX Essentials) bought a beautiful dress to the party. Shown below in the blues tone and teamed back with a cropped bomber from ISON (last months Luxebox gift) its a match made in fashion heaven. 7 Deadly s{K}ins September Group gift is the perfect base for the outfit worn with the system skin but comes packed with loads of appliers.

Skin: 7 Deadly s{K}ins- KLAASJE group gift September 

Hair: [eliktra] Haley - Essentials

Eyes:IKON Sovereign Eyes - Glass

Lahses:FATElashes v2.0 (MP)

Dress: *LX* Lush. Blues

Jacket:ISON x Luxe Box - cropped bomber

Bracelets: Zaria Bracelets

Necklace: Autumnus Necklace-Long (Noir)

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